Company BELVIAT is 30 years in business.

BELVIAT  Ltd was set up in 1993 to handle gateway customs clearance and delivery for businesses including global mailing, couriers, distribution businesses and freight forwarders – in fact anyone moving shipments by air, sea or road. Our clients can access BELVIAT’s specialist service without fear of misunderstanding. We think creatively, using our experience to tailor services to meet specific needs. We handle high volumes, enabling us to provide a cost-effective service, giving our clients a competitive edge.

Our aim is to deliver reliable, accurate, consistent and professional services to our clients.

We provide the following services:

  1. Customs clearance of goods delivered by car
  2. Customs clearance of goods delivered by air
  3. Customs clearance of goods delivered by rail
  4. Customs clearance of mails and parcels
  5. Customs clearance of furniture and cars for a private individual.

Since 15 august 2012 we stared a new service in Certification and Registration.

From BELVIAT you can expect:

  • Access to specialists and agents 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Guidance, so your customs and certificate submissions can be promptly processed
  • Standard services and bespoke options to suit individual requirements

Cost effective and efficient, independent and neutral – our services… deliver